Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Signs for our life.

From today's reading:  When the people saw the sign that he had done, they began to say, "This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world."  John 6:14

We have heard time and again about the feeding of the 5000.  In John's gospel, the miracles are called "signs."  The people seeing these signs, knew that Jesus was something out of the ordinary.  They could see that a miracle was taking place before them.  Considering our own lives, we might look back to see how the landscape of our life might be littered with the evidence of God's hand at work in the world, and in our lives.

It is not just the good things that are brought about by God, but also the way he has helped us as we have moved through some of the tough times in our lives.  As I've said before, God has not promised us that life will always be perfect.  But he has promised us that when times are not so good, he will be with us in the midst of that to strengthen us and to comfort us.

What are the signs in your life that point to the King of Kings and the Lord of Life?  What are the struggles that you have come through when all seemed to be lost?  When are the times that you have relied on God when you had no control over your situation or circumstances?  God's presence produces signs (or miracles) for us to see if or when we open our eyes and believe that a loving God truly wants to be a part of our life.  May our Lord God be present to you today and always.

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