Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bringing forth life

The angel of the LORD appeared to the woman and said to her, "Although you are barren, you shall conceive and bear a son."  Judges  13:3

How often has the Lord sent an angel to announce the bringing of life from a barren womb?   Sarah brought forth Isaac, Hannah brought forth Samuel, and this unnamed wife of Manoah was destined to bring forth Sampson.  There is great rejoicing at the birth of a child.  It is interesting that each time a child comes forth, it is a child with purpose; a child who is destined to further God's purpose for his people and the world.  And then God brought forth Jesus from a virgin womb, to be a light to the world, to bring hope where there is no hope and love to a hurting world.

Even when our lives seem to be at the lowest point, God can work within us to bring forth miracles and to bring forth new life.  Our God is a god who brings forth life out of the barrenness of our world.  When we trust in him, he will anoint our efforts and use them to enlarge his influence in the world around us. 

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