Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mark 11:27-33 - Two days before the Passover

As Tuesday dawns Jesus and the disciples head back to Jerusalem for a full day of teaching. As they pass the fig tree the disciples note that it has withered and Jesus tells them if they have faith, even mountains will move when they pray. Yes, we can read that as metaphorical mountains - those things that seem to stand in the way of our progress.

If you read through chapter 12 of Mark's gospel, you will find a mountain of teaching that took place in the temple that day. Many of the stories concern confrontations with the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes. His teaching is questioned, and plans begin to take shape to arrest him and to kill him. The attempts by the authorities to trick him into some major blunder are all countered with the kind of finesse typical of Jesus.

In chapter 13, Jesus leaves the temple and goes to the Mount of Olives where he continues his teaching to the disciples. There are numerous olive groves on the Mount of Olives and in this modern day they are segmented and walled off. There are peaceful little gardens where you can sit and ponder the trees and the actions and words of Jesus. From many places there you can look across the valley and see the temple mount. All this took place 2 days before the Passover.

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