Monday, December 5, 2011

I am Alpha and Omega

From today's reading: 'I am the Alpha and the Omega,' says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Rev. 1:8

Today the Episcopal church remembers Clement of Alexandria. He was a teacher and head of the Christian school in Alexandria at the end of the second century. He considered science and philosophy to be preparation for understanding the Gospel. He was a scholar willing to meet non-Christians on their own grounds to listen, to debate and to defend the faith. (Thanks to James Kiefer for his article on Clement.)

I think it is important to remember that faith - Christianity - is a philosophy, a particular philosophy based in the belief that there is a God who is outside time and space, who created all things that are and who cares for his creation. And there is a juxtaposition between science and religion that allows us to remember that although God created all things, he has given us a mind to seek out and desire to understand his creation.

Our God, the Alpha and Omega, existed before time began and he will remain after time ends. At this time of the year, we remember that he was willing to enter into his own creation and we rejoice at this example of great love.

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