Sunday, December 2, 2012

Your Redemption is drawing near.

From today's reading:  (When you) see 'the Son of Man coming in a cloud' with power and great glory. . . stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."  Luke 21:27-28

Being the Rector of Church of the Redeemer for 4 years, I saw this vision every Sunday and preaching under this image was a constant reminder that Christ will come again.  What does it mean as we come to this first Sunday in Advent?  Today is a day of prophecy, of hope and expectation - waiting for the coming of Jesus.  It's not for us to know when He is coming again, but as we await his coming, we are not to sit around idly twiddling our thumbs.  No, we are to be productive while we wait - sharing signs of God's love, of Jesus' presence in our midst.

The problem with this image of Jesus coming in the clouds is that too many people have equated it with judgment.  But Jesus very clearly states here that it is not judgment, but redemption that he brings.  So stand up and raise your heads as you see Jesus coming, for the kingdom of God is indeed drawing near.

Lord, open my eyes to see your hand at work, and give us grace to cast away darkness and put on the armor of light.  Ever remind us that Jesus himself came as a humble child before he was raised in majesty.  Help us to emulate that humility as we proclaim His life and ministry to a broken and hurting world.  Amen.

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