Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sanctify yourself

From today's reading:  Then Joshua said to the people, "Sanctify yourselves; for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you."  Joshua 3:5

This admonition was given to the people of Israel at a specific time for a specific reason.  They were preparing to cross the Jordan river to enter into the Promised Land.  Once again the Lord was going to part the water so that they might walk over on dry land.  

Sanctify means to set apart or to make holy.  If you were to sanctify some object, you would be setting it apart for use by the Lord or in worship of the Lord.  Some of the things that might be sanctified would be the vessels used to hold the bread and wine of Holy Communion, or a building that will be dedicated as a worship space. 

We say a blessing over the water for baptism sanctifying it to be the bond used to bind us to the Lord as children of his grace.  We say a blessing over the bread and wine asking that it be the body and blood of Jesus, that we might partake of his spirit, his oneness with God.  And then the priest says, "Sanctify us also that we may faithfully receive this holy sacrament..."  a holy food for a holy people.  

During the week, we sometimes fall far from his grace, and so each week, we renew this covenant;  we re-sanctify ourselves - to keep reminding ourselves of who we are and who we belong to. God continually draws us to himself.  

It is the yearning within us that calls us to be part of something bigger than just our meager self.  It is that which gives us hope that death is not the end.  As we sanctify ourselves, we are joining with hundreds, thousands, millions of others who look to God for more - for salvation - for love - for hope - for a sure foundation - for a belonging that can be found in no other place.  Amen.

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