Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Way

Normally I write my meditations on my scriptures, however, today I watched the movie "The Way" with Martin Sheen.  I had seen a comment about it from Facebook and decided to check it out.  If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it - especially for Cursillistas since it centers around the pilgrimage to Santiago do Compostella.

The story is about Thomas Avery.  When his son, Daniel, dies when he is just beginning the journey.  Tom goes to France to identify the body and while there decides to complete the journey for Daniel and to carry his son's ashes to the end.  He ends up joining with several companions during the pilgrimage.

Just after his son dies, Tom is asked by a priest, "Would you like to pray with me?" He answers, "What for?"  The implication is "it won't change what has happened."

That brings up the question, "Why do we pray?"  Through prayer, we cannot necessarily change what is - but we might be able to change the way we perceive it and how it affects us and how we respond to it..

The second thing that occurs to me is that sometimes on this journey we call life, God chooses our companions for us: not necessarily the ones we would choose for ourselves, but the ones we need. .

Life happens - and sometimes during it we are surprised to find out who we really are and what we really want.  God's plan is always perfect, and always seeks to transform us into the person God wants us to be.

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